On May 1st, 2024, I took a significant step in my personal & professional development by enrolling in Ship 30 for 30, a premier digital writing workshop.
This workshop is founded and hosted by Nicolas Cole and Dickie Bush, two highly successful online writers who have established robust online presences and built multiple seven-figure writing businesses.
Why Ship 30 for 30?
In today’s digital age, going viral can be transformative, turning creators into brands overnight.
At the core of any social media strategy is content, and the primary way to connect with your audience is through carefully scripted digital writing.
Whether it’s crafting thought leadership pieces on LinkedIn, scripting reels for Instagram, or preparing concise content for YouTube shorts, mastering digital writing underpins all these platforms.
Thus, despite a year spent honing my digital writing skills independently, my progress stalled, with my best thread on X topping out at 1.6K views.
I was already enrolled in the multiple free newsletters offered by Cole and Dickie.
I was doing countless courses on copywriting through YouTube.
Yet, I felt something was missing despite everything I had learnt.
This finally led me to the premium version of Ship 30 for 30.
By joining the premium version, I aim to:
- Express gratitude for Cole and Dickie’s hard work.
- Say thank you for the free content Cole and Dickie have shared with us to date, which has taught me everything I know about online writing.
- Connect with a community of like-minded individuals.
- Elevate my writing skills for various social platforms.
- Take my online brand building building journey to a new level.
I am excited to start this journey, and confident that Ship 30 for 30’s comprehensive, structured learning path will significantly enhance my abilities and those of my fellow participants.
I look forward to documenting each step of the Ship 30 for 30 journey.